
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mike Tyson Saw the Light..By Beating Seven Prostitutes

Now.. I'm not saying for you to try this shyt at home if you have some issue.. but..'s Mike.. Check it out.

Mike Tyson has had one of the most storied sports careers of any athlete, and has been the subject of plenty of drama outside of the ring as well.

The Brooklyn native, who is set to star in a live stage show titled "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth", recently sat down with Robin Leach to discuss some of the highs and lows of his career and life in general.

In one particular segment of the lengthy interview, Mike recalls a night in which he spiraled out of control due to substance abuse, and ended up putting his hands on seven prostitutes.

When asked what the lowest point in his life was, Tyson responded:

"Laying in bed in a hotel room — I try never to be alone, even if it's a prostitute, a dog. This is really dark. I am in my hotel suite, I've got seven women there, and I have a morphine drip, and I had my cocaine, and I had my Cialis, I had my marijuana, I had the Hennessy, and I am at my lowest point because I got paranoid and I thought these women were trying to rob me and set me up. I started beating them. I was in a dark place. There was a purpose, though, because I didn't want to give them any more of my soul."

"So this is my devil, this is where I am, I am locked up alone. There is nobody there telling me that I'm doing too much. That is the devil, he won. I kicked them all out. So that was my lowest point. Oh, man. I am just very grateful to be here — my heart should have blown apart. I was sweating wide awake. No more cocaine. No more. Three years clean."


Mike had every DAMB drug known to man.. no way i'm chilling with Mike with all those drugs around. Glad to see Mike is doing his thing and he is in a better place. His one man show is coming to Broadway I hear.

1 comment:

  1. Mike Tyson isse foert pò grassie ai megadòsi de assèd asskòrbèk (i laùr de genfraglo...)?
